How to change the linked Instagram account?

When you click on the "Connect" button, the app will redirect you to Instagram and will, by default, select the Instagram account you are currently logged in (most of the time, this is your personal account).

In order to link a different account, open, and logout from your account (learn more about how to log out). Once you have logged out, re-link the app by clicking on the "Connect" button. This time, Instagram will ask you to log in. Simply enter the credentials of the Instagram account you want to be linked to the app.

IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Once you have changed your linked account, you may still see the images linked to the old account for up to 30 minutes. This is because, for performance reasons, the app caches your images for 30 minutes, and you have to wait for it to expires before the app can re-fetch the new images.
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